Seit fast drei Jahren führt Russland Krieg gegen die Ukraine, doch noch immer importiert Deutschland russisches Uran – im vergangenen Jahr sogar fast 70 Prozent mehr als noch 2023. Das Material wird als AKW-Brennstoff benötigt.
Our power companies hold the stance of no-fucking-way-lol, when it comes to restarting the reactors. It would require quite a bit in terms of repairs/inspections, and in particular hiring+training all the personell is insanely expensive. At this point, just plonk down more solar panels, wind turbines and batteries. It's a lot more cost efficient.
Good question, maybe they're realizing they're gonna have to restart the reactors given the energy crisis?
Our power companies hold the stance of no-fucking-way-lol, when it comes to restarting the reactors. It would require quite a bit in terms of repairs/inspections, and in particular hiring+training all the personell is insanely expensive. At this point, just plonk down more solar panels, wind turbines and batteries. It's a lot more cost efficient.
I guess can always resell the uranium to France and then buy electricity from them 🤣