spent billions of dollars and hundreds of lives helping America retaliate
Imagine posting that as if it's a W
One of the best things Chretien ever did was tell Bush to stuff the invasion of Afghanistan up his ass. The fact he very suddenly lost an election to a strongly pro US PM shortly after is pure coincidence I bet
That war fucking ruined the Canadian economy and overinflated people's ego about the joke of an army we have, and at the end of it all we just ended up selling weapons to the Saudis anyway who fucking did the damn thing
Don't forget the Saudis then publicly threatening to do another 9/11 on Canada despite all the arms sales and grovelling when you made the most milquetoast noises about civil rights in their direction.
Imagine posting that as if it's a W
One of the best things Chretien ever did was tell Bush to stuff the invasion of Afghanistan up his ass. The fact he very suddenly lost an election to a strongly pro US PM shortly after is pure coincidence I bet
That war fucking ruined the Canadian economy and overinflated people's ego about the joke of an army we have, and at the end of it all we just ended up selling weapons to the Saudis anyway who fucking did the damn thing
Don't forget the Saudis then publicly threatening to do another 9/11 on Canada despite all the arms sales and grovelling when you made the most milquetoast noises about civil rights in their direction.