Don't say, hey android has Linux in it, yeah no, idc, I want to know how far we are from buying a Linux phone at a price point of 200 USD.

A Linux phone is one which is built completely on Linux, uses Linux apps and most important has a terminal.

I don't want a Linux Phone for privacy, although that's a great reason, but I want it for the freedom it provides me. Hell, I don't care if Android itself comes with a terminal and has similar features to Linux, I just want a Terminal which can install apps, where I can write commands and it will execute it. Complete Control on my phone and how it behaves is what I want.

I want to tell it when to sleep, when not to sleep, when to boot, when to edit a file and how, when to take a screenshot and what to do with it and where to save it, etc, etc. I hope you get the idea.

    10 months ago

    Probably not. The third party apps just do not exist. If the Windows phones from big brother Microsoft were not able to get many third party applications, I doubt Linux phones ever would

      10 months ago

      All it is needed is to have at least equivalents of basic apps from F-Droid and we're getting there.

      Propietary apps for accessing one smart toilet seat brand or some trash locked down social platform should be abandoned anyway.