Nothing-burger ass article. Fuck the writer and CBS.
EDIT: There is one piece of info I gleaned from this article. Porky is scared shitless. Xiaohongshu helps Americans truly see how Chinese people live and is busting the myth of American exceptionalism. See
how to radicalise all americans on xhs: ban it and prove that their government is censoring what china is truly like
Oh of course. I have no doubt about that, that's why they're trying to shame people for even thinking about signing up for it.
Followed by westerners moving to Weibo or Billibilli and getting even more radicalized
idk bilibili, from what I've seen, is more toxic and has a higher concentration of libs. I don't know about weibo but I've heard bad things about it. I'm not too familiar with either, though, so I could be wrong.