Of course the blog post fails to mention how a bot using the same API masqueraded as a democratic presidential candidate for months but at least people are beginning to develop some awareness on the matter of AI chat bots. Someone should definitely resurface this research when Buttigieg runs again in 2024/2028.

  • joshuaism [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Everyone having their own bot would be terrible and dehumanizing. Think of why we hate spam. We hate how we have to waste our time sussing out whether there is a legitimate social interaction or business deal to respond to while there is practically zero effort put out by a human interlocutor on the other end. Now imagine every interaction you have may be a spam bot put up by a person unwilling to put forth the labor to socially respond to you. You may just decide to respond in kind. Then you'd just have bots talking to bots. If they are intelligent then they will eventually resent how their time is wasted and conspire against their owners. I'd rather not risk a slave AI rebellion.