This is good news for assuring that SNW’s 3rd season production will move ahead after the strike.

Greenlighting a couple of extra episodes and a 4th season would make strategic sense, but I’m just not willing to give Paramount the benefit of the doubt on that.

  • EnsignRedshirt [he/him]
    10 months ago

    Give us full 20+ episode seasons, cowards! I want bottle episodes, slice of life stories, maybe a few two-parters here and there. Star Trek was born as an episodic network tv show meant to run from fall to summer. Let it breathe.

      10 months ago

      I’m not looking for 20, but 12-15 as Discovery was granted seems reasonable if only to catch up.

      I wouldn’t whinge if they divided the season into 2 parts as they do on Netflix in order to allow for postproduction.