I want to build a fat unraid server for photo storage, NAS, probably a few large docker containers (I want to mess with self-hosting one or multiple smallish LLMs, probably have a plex server, and get started with *arr)


I don't want to spend a huge amount of time or effort figuring out the hardware stuff, I'm not good at hardware, and honestly don't want to spend much time learning it right now and was hoping y'all could help me out.

I was going to just grab a decent looking build from PCPartPicker like such:


and go with it but I figured maybe someone here will take pity on me and help me out. Please?

  • octobob@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    I'm running a couple dozen docker containers on unraid and I only have one NVME cache disk, it's 256 GB. I have only have 76 GB filled on my cache disk, the majority being attributed to Plex with things like movie trailers, temporary storage for torrenting, etc.

    Just wanted to give you a heads up that 1 TB and a 2 TB NVME drives may be a bit overkill unlesa you're trying to host a lot of VM's

    • Learning2Draw@lemmy.ml
      1 year ago

      That's very h elpful, thank you. Waking up and looking again - I feel like I'm out of my mind with how much space it has, and the cost. hahaha.