Courtesy of the Chair of European Committee for NATO.

  • serniebanders [he/him]
    1 year ago

    at this point it's just a meme and shitpost right? he can't be serious right?

      1 year ago

      I wish, as a brazilian I literally feel sick when I look at this shit, is revolting beyond words, see the same folk who ensured the military dictatorship of 68 here, and helped coup against Dilma Russef(current president of the BRICS bank, and former president of brazil) in 2016 claiming they want to LITERALLY rip my country to shreds and divide it as they see fit. It boils my blood comrades it does boil my blood

      1 year ago

      Unfortunately I think this guy is completely serious. He’s hell-bent on Austria joining NATO.

        1 year ago

        Given that the followers of a certain Austrian guy were some of original bigwigs in NATO, one could certainly say there's a kind of... precedent.