I havent been on Reddit in a while. I reduced drastically the amount of Reddit related content I watch, and gotta say, they helped me a lot a while back to recognize unacceptable behavior, and showing it to my bf was important in his development to recognize how abusive his mom was and taking steps to go leave her and go NC.

But when I listen to it now, it of just, obnoxious most of the time. Someone else feels this way?

  • IzyaKatzmann [he/him]
    10 months ago

    Are you referring to 'trauma-dumping' or when people share their negative experiences en masse? When I think therapy speak I think people being supportive, I'm probably misunderstanding, an example would help!

    • vis4valentine@lemmy.ml
      10 months ago

      I mean, the cliché phrases like "GO NC ASAP", "LEAVE THEM", "THATS ABUSIVE" "DIVORCE NOW", "BOUNDARIES", and others.

      I mean, yeah, there is some helpful and maybe live saving advice, but im started to get annoyed by everyone on Reddit thinking they are psychologists.

      And thats another one, they always say "GO TO A THERAPIST" and never ever mention a psychologist, like, they exist you know? And therapy doesn't work for some people.

      I dont know. Im starting to think I rather hear someone who went to school and has a medical license to tell me about psychology things. Maybe.

      • Lmaydev@programming.dev
        10 months ago

        While the term therapist encompasses various professions in the field of psychotherapy, it's important to note that all psychologists can be considered therapists. However, not all therapists are psychologists.

        That's really just a semantic thing. Psychologists are therapists. Just specifically trained.

        As for the other things many people do abusive things but aren't necessarily abusers. Most people will occasionally lose their temper and shout, which is 100% an abusive behaviour, but doesn't make them an abuser. So it can easily get misinterpreted based on limited information.

        And tbh often going no contact is the easiest thing to do to escape an abusive situation.

        • solrize@lemmy.ml
          10 months ago

          Psychologists are therapists. Just specifically trained.

          Nah, there are psychologists who measure axon potentials in rats and stuff like that. Therapy is an area in clinical psychology, which is a subfield of psychology, but you can get a psychology degree without ever going near that subfield. You get to be Dr. Rat Maze or whatever. But who knows, you might end up training the next Algernon who then takes over the world.

          Source: had a grad student housemate doing that type of research. He said when people heard he was studying psychology, they thought he was getting trained to be a marriage counselor. Nope, nothing of the sort.

        • lightnsfw@reddthat.com
          10 months ago

          Last time I was on there some lady made a post about how she saw her husband say something mean about her on their ring camera as he was leaving the house after an argument. So many people were calling it abuse and saying she needed to leave him for it and shit. I was like.... he was just venting to himself people do that all the time.

      • IzyaKatzmann [he/him]
        10 months ago

        Ah ok yeah that gets pretty annoying. When people diagnose others I think that's problematic too. You only know a sliver of what they thought suitable to share, which isn't necessarily indicative of anything...

        I see a Clinical Psychologist, PhD and 2 PostDoc's. We call our sessions therapy, wouldn't that be an ok way to refer to something as therapy?

  • regalia@literature.cafe
    10 months ago

    There's people who get their satisfaction by trying to give advice to others, even if it's completely wrong or unhinged. They repeat the standard things just to feed their ego, not to actually help the person they're talking to.

    The best therapy an inexperienced person can give is just talking and listening to the person. You'll know the difference if the person seems genuinely interested in the person who has the problem.

    • MeetInPotatoes@lemmy.ml
      10 months ago

      I'm studying to be a counselor and solid listening is half of the battle. Just feeling heard gives a lot of catharsis and if you can understand, analyze, and restate what they're telling you in a way that drives insight, folks can usually solve their own problems. Getting them back in the driver's seat is the goal in the first place, not fixing their problems for them. Helping them connect the dots goes a long way.

  • Blaze@discuss.tchncs.de
    10 months ago

    I only go there to get content to share here, it's a glorified RSS feed at this point.

    Not really interested in the therapy speak content

  • MeetInPotatoes@lemmy.ml
    10 months ago

    I'm not on reddit anymore but I know what you mean. I think of it like this, someone needs to hear whatever that person has posted, it's just not me. It might not be the way I'd say it, but it's going to connect with someone on a different wavelength than I'm on. Good or bad? Hard to say.

  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    10 months ago

    It's only loosely related, but the one thing I especially hate when it comes to amateur therapizing is weaponized pseudo-psychological concern trolling, usually presented as "WHO HURT YOU?" very-intelligent or sending suicide prevention hotlines to people they dislike or otherwise passive-aggressively implying the other person is mentally ill (which is framed as the person being intrinsically bad) and that there's help for them, little buddy! very-intelligent