For a old laptop with Intel atom processor and I think 2gb ram.

    10 months ago

    What would you use this laptop for?

    I've dealt with similar hardware, using Qtile over a Manjaro base, but had to mostly use CLI/TUI apps. Anything related to web browsing is a pain.

      10 months ago

      Not sure. But I have other primary laptop. And this laptop is just sitting so I wanted try something with it.

        10 months ago

        If you just want to play around with it, I highly recommend some arch based distro (because you can find plenty of obscure TUI apps in the AUR) with a window manager (be it tiling like Qtile or stacking like Openbox).

        If you want something preconfigured, I've recently found instantOS, which seems to work fine for that usecase.

        I use this small laptop mostly for ebooks (using the excellent epy) and music, using one ot the TUI YouTube frontends.

          10 months ago

          Yes I can use it for reading. thank you for the suggestion. I will try instant os.