Does anyone know if there is a FOSS YouTube mobile client with ad blocking and google sign in(I have had problems with revanced)

  • MYWNcWR9Rgc31zkhTOsA [they/them, she/her]
    10 months ago

    LibreTube is probably what you want. There's no g**gle sign-in in third party yt clients though (vanced only has it bc it patches the official client) so you'll need to export and import your subscriptions

    • 𝒍𝒆𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒏
      10 months ago

      Adding to this user's response - LibreTube has it's own account system to keep your data in sync across the mobile app, website and other Piped-based platforms.

      Newpipe on the other hand has no such accounts system

    10 months ago

    Doesn't exist. Closest thing is to use an open source web browser and run YouTube as a PWA... But I think they deleted the PWA because it doesn't work for me.

    10 months ago

    I've been using ReVanced ever since Vanced got taken down. I love it. It's got ad blocking, options to skip sponsor sections in videos, background playback, and more. Basically every feature that YouTube would have had if it wasn't evil.