So Caleb Maupin is now labelled a Nazbol. That seems to be the newest buzzword that means 'bad person' And i say that, because if you go look at the comments, not one person mentions anything that he did that is nazbol-ish.

And now Thought Slime, the Serfs, and now apparently Luna Oi, and Noncompete are attacking or cancelling or cutting ties with him.

So, opinions? On Caleb, or the others?

I value your opinion as communists, because something similar happened to me, involving alleged communists.

    4 years ago

    I read a tweet a while back that went "tankies have no power: all the best youtubers are varying shades of anarchists"

    Which just about summed up their entire petit-bourgeois, individualistic and faux revolutionary world view

    If youre not in a communist party then you have no political power anyway and no amount of youtube celebrity (only a slight step up from Youtube comments) is going to change that

    Im sure there is a definitive question of who is right and wrong in this 'struggle' to which i reply they are both worse

      4 years ago

      Which just about summed up their entire petit-bourgeois, individualistic and faux revolutionary world view

      That sure clarifies things. Thanks.

        4 years ago

        So i googled the first on your list as i had a bet with myself hes plugging a patreon like so many other 'left' grifters

        Oh what a surprise


          4 years ago

          Workers should be compensated for their labor. Yes, that means that communist and anarchist YouTubers could, and I think, should, have Patreons. Especially if you refuse to run ads, which Thought Slime does.

          How are you supposed to make leftist content? Running ads? That seems hypocritical. Working a day job? That's fine, but you'll but have less time to make content. Honestly I think Patreon is probably the best way because everyone gets the content for free, the creator gets compensated for their labor.

          Of course, once we live in a classless, moneyless, stateless society, then the conversation would be different, but YouTubers got rent due every month, too.