Sorry for the short post, I'm not able to make it nice with full context at the moment, but I want to quickly get this announcement out to prevent confusion:

Unfortunately, people are uploading child sexual abuse images on some instances (apparently as a form of attack against Lemmy). I am taking some steps to prevent such content from making it onto servers. As one preventative measure, I am disabling all image uploads on until further notice - this is to ensure that can not be used as gateway to spread CSAM into the network.

It will not possible to upload any new avatars or banners while this limit is in effect.

I'm really sorry for the disruption, it's a necessary trade-off for now until we figure out the way forward.

    10 months ago

    And yet look how many replies it's getting. Seems maybe it isn't so unhinged? Have you only been on the Internet for a few days?

    • HornyOnMain
      10 months ago

      And yet look how many replies it's getting

      You just accused hexbears of not only possessing but also posting images of children being r****, and youre really shocked that users from here came out to tell you that that's complete bullshit? Would you just not respond if I started making posts saying "hey everybody, just so you know, likes to download images of CSAM and post them on the internet" with absolutely no evidence except general vibes that I don't like you?

        • HornyOnMain
          10 months ago

          You literally just said that you think hexbear users were posting CSAM to

          whats the over/under wager that it was retaliation for the recent "h e x b e a r" shit?

            • HornyOnMain
              10 months ago

              So what other possible interpretation is there of that comment? would you be fine with coming into a hypothetical comments section about some similar CSAM spam being done against hexbear and seeing

              whats the over/under wager that it was retaliation from thisbenzingring for being made fun of by hexbears?