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  • JohnBrownsBooty [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I have a good novel idea but have been intimidated by the commitment writing requires, and also have a baby which is a real time sink. Very interested in being a part of this community.

    • shitstorm [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Nanowrimo only suggests the 50,000 word goal but tons of people go with smaller goals because of life commitments. Maybe try 10,000 words in a month just as an excuse to get involved?

  • jack [he/him, comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    So I'm not doing this challenge, exactly, because I'm already working on a novel. I'm assuming for 100k words/300 pages (recommended debut fantasy novel length) and I hit the halfway point on Thursday after two and a half months of work. I'm really proud of myself, because I have a long history of falling off creative projects, but I'm sticking to it on this one.

    My goal is to finish the first draft in December, though if I could meet NaNiWriMo pace I'd finish right at the end of the month.

    If you want to see what I'm going for, I posted a mid-book chapter on the sub a few days ago. I'm mostly waiting for a full manuscript so I can get test readers for the whole thing rather than chapter by chapter, though I have a lot of stuff from the beginning of the book finished up if people are interested. It's got very strong ACAB vibes and characters explicitly call for communist revolution against capitalism.

  • shitstorm [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I've attempted it twice in the past, good luck to anybody who is trying. I was really plugging away at my new novel over summer until school hit. Doing a Nanowrimo in community college was doable, but not so much now. Where my YA fantasy authors at?

  • Melon [she/her,they/them]
    4 years ago

    I had a (not-so-novel) novel idea that is pretty much Don Quixote but more serious and the crazy protagonist is a fascist in the post-collapse of civilization but I feel like I don't have anything special to say in such a story.

    Is it okay if I just read books I bought a bunch of theory shit from Haymarket