Since a bunch of new commits/features have been accumulating over the last three weeks, I was wondering if there’s a specific reason for not putting them in a new TestFlight build?

There’s also a few pinned posts that can probably be unpinned if I may add :)

  • Eric@lemmy.mlM
    1 year ago

    We're currently elbows deep a backend overhaul that should smooth out a ton of weird little state issues (things like the saved button "flickering" and interactions waiting on network round trip to apply). This touches so much of the app that shipping a TF now would turn up a ton of stale-on-arrival bugs, so we've been holding off shipping a TF until we get that merged.

    By the same token, we're targeting a TF build more or less the moment that drops--the PR is and it just entered draft yesterday, so I'm hoping to have it in by the end of the week.

    Re: pinned posts, that's an instance sync issue as far as I can tell--they're not pinned on .ml, but we've heard similar reports from beehaw users.

      1 year ago

      Fair enough, I‘m certainly not trying to rush anyone I hope that didn’t come across that way. I was just wondering about the reason and that seems to be a pretty good one. Thanks for taking the time to answer :)

      • Eric@lemmy.mlM
        1 year ago

        No worries! This has definitely been the longest span between TF builds.

        By the way, I've gone and deleted all the posts that weren't unpinning properly--are they still showing up for you, or has that fixed it? There should just be the 1.0.1 announcement pinned and nothing else