Brought to you by my discovery that some people think that “the customer is always right” isn’t the slogan of a long-dead department store, but rather it’s an actual call the cops law.

  • Frater
    1 year ago

    I once had a b2b customer (store owner) tell me that having different pricing for wholesale and retail customers was racist.

    I'm pretty sure meant discriminatory but even that doesn't make much sense.

  • ℕ𝕖𝕞𝕠
    1 year ago

    No, I don't have to accept a digital photo of your license as ID. No, your birth certificate is not proof of identity; it doesn't have your picture.

    But the absolute worst one: Not only is this a beat-up photocopy of a foreign ID card with no photo; it also clearly states that you are 19 and even if I accepted this document as valid identification, which I can't, I still could not legally serve you alcohol.

    1 year ago

    Worked in bars as a supervisor for 3 years, almost everytime I decided to cut a patron off (usually for being too drunk, or for being an arsehole) I would be met with "you can't do that, it's illegal, you HAVE to serve me"

    No, I don't. Service is at my discretion, and it wouldn often be unethical for me to continue to provide you with more alcohol, endangering yours and others around you further.