kinda glad I bounced off of the suckless ecosystem when I realized how much their config mechanism (C header files and a recompile cycle) fucking sucked

    10 months ago

    :( sadness. I'm pathologically opposed to software complexity (I mean pathologically, it hurts me) and have a really nice rice set up with dwm.

    GNOME's new mosaic layout project which is a few years down the pipeline looks like it might solve the problem of tiling vs teenager's desk windows management so maybe I should switch.

    I actually do like the patching thing, prefer it to xmonad which needs recompiling every day that ends in Y or i3 which is about as fun to configure as fellating one of those tubular cheese graters.

    Taking suggestions on fast minimalist launchers and windows managers tiling ideally (and terminals with Unicode support rxvt suuuuuuuuuuucks) if anyone has them.

      10 months ago

      I've been happy with awesomewm for years now. Maybe one day I'll enshrine my current config in dwm or something from scratch in Rust and XCB, but so far it has not been the time.

      As for terminal emulators, alacritty has been comfy for me. It's not the most minimalist thing out there but whatever promises it makes in relative complexity, it delivers in performance and features.

        10 months ago

        oh hey, i love awesomewm! i'm much less amenable to fiddling with annoying linux config than I used to be, but the lua-scriptability is just appealing enough that I don't mind messing with it a bit to do silly things

        I just use xfce4-terminal though lol

        sidenote, I went to edit this post and accidentally deleted it instead. Would it be so hard for lemmy to use words instead of a million cryptic icons....

          10 months ago

          I just lost a long post cause upvoting the post you’re replying to causes lemmy to remove the reply box, losing its contents, without any confirmation. lemmy sure is an approach to a UI

        10 months ago

        oh hey, i love awesomewm! i'm much less amenable to fiddling with annoying linux config than I used to be, but the lua-scriptability is just appealing enough that I don't mind messing with it a bit to do silly things

      10 months ago

      Or I would accept trying something a bit chubby if people have reasons to recommend it. Like sure it slows down the hellbox but it detects when your concentration is flagging and makes you a coffee type shit. Just no transparency effects, Jesus fuck I hate transparency effects. It's like "hey want to spend more power rendering something that's harder to parse visually?" umm no? who wants that? why would you want that?

      10 months ago

      the one nice thing is that the suckless ecosystem’s simplicity means that forking these things should be fairly easy for a dev or group with the time and spoons to handle maintenance, and might even provide a new direction for features that suckless would never consider

      Taking suggestions on fast minimalist launchers and windows managers tiling ideally (and terminals with Unicode support rxvt suuuuuuuuuuucks) if anyone has them.

      unfortunately, the only thing I use is emacs (exwm as a tiling window manager, emacs itself as a process launcher, vterm for a mostly not terrible somewhat high performance terminal, a pile of Lisp that keeps growing as I patch things live, all tied into the system with a bunch of Nix)

        10 months ago

        TIL about exwm, seems fun!

        (I'm bitextual, I use both emacs and vim, though I'm more on the vim side of the scale)

          10 months ago

          oh I am also bitextual as fuck (I’m immediately stealing this) so I highly recommend running exwm under Doom Emacs or Spacemacs, both of which have modules for it (and you can also do a fully custom minimal evil layer for it by just importing exwm from elpa and writing a little bit of config, which I prefer)

        10 months ago

        Ah, you started learning org mode didn't you?

        You've seen this yeah?

        has me in stitches. Browsing Wikipedia from within emacs is so convenient though