I can't timezones good and also I have no idea what time this shit tends to get called anyway

  • heyia [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Very early results will start coming through at like midnight UK time. If Biden wins big, then I think we could know that by something like 2-3am UK time. Apparently Georgia, North Carolina and Florida are all expected to count their votes quickly - if Biden wins any one of them it all but guarantees that he wins, if Trump wins all of them then it probably means a close election that drags on for days, since the swing states that are expected to be slightly more blue-leaning than those three will count very slowly.

    I don't know why everyone is talking about the West coast states, because the only way any of them are in doubt is if someone is winning a massive landslide.

    American times are mostly pretty easy to understand because their media almost always use Eastern time (aka EST, or EDT during daylight savings), and if they mention something in another time zone they usually give the Eastern equivalent too. For most of the year, you just add five hours on to get to UK time. Unfortunately there are two brief periods a year where it's four hours, because Europe and North America go into daylight savings on different dates for some reason, but we've just come out of one of those.

    • anthm17 [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Any state that takes more than 24 hours to get the votes counted is deliberately ratfucking, CMV.

      It's not that fucking hard to count mail in votes.