Hello. New to the site since a bunch of lurking.

Got a big reason at home to use Tor. ChapoChat does not work very well using the Tor Browser. It looks to be because the site relies heavily upon a websocket connection.

I am not a developer, but it looks like based on your Tor circuit (the servers helping you), websockets may or may not be basically broken. The main page will load, but if you open a thread in a new tab you get the spinning bear icon forever, and opening the web console you'll see repeating errors about the websocket connection failing. This can also happen after initially using the site fine for awhile.

The only workaround I have found is to use the "New Identity" button (top right, looks like a broom) to get a new circuit. This is not great since the new circuit may have the exact same problem, AND you lose all your tabs and stuff doing that. In practice I've sometimes found I have to do that several times before I find one that works. It's super frustrating.

It would be nice if the client javascript performed a plain old GET request as a fallback if the websocket does not work after one or two attempts. I don't mind missing out on live thread updates.