(Not including the reboot trilogy as that's a different altogether topic)

I was recently in a mood to binge the first ten Star Trek films as I hadn't seen any of them in several years, and I notice that the TOS films are better than the TNG films. Which is weird because when it comes to the tv series, I far prefer TNG and its spin-offs over TOS but when it came to the films, it's the opposite. I love First Contact, and like Generations but Insurrection and Nemesis are pretty bad IMO, whereas the only TOS film I truly dislike is V. (My favorites are IV and VI) Was wondering what others here thought, I think this may be the standard opinion in fact.

As for why they're better, I think for whatever reason the TOS movies feel more cinematic, whereas the TNG films were mostly trying to capture the TNG feeling and not as much be cinematic?

  • electrorocket@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    The soundtrack is probably the best part. I saw it in the theater a few months ago, and it blew my socks off. I only ever heard it on VHS with a mono tv speaker. I bought the vinyl a couple of weeks ago.