There is a place for graphically gorgeous distro’s, but when it comes to ease and speed, Xfce is just the best for me.

I started using Xfce when Xubuntu first came out and I switched to Linux Mint Xfce when that started. I did try other distro’s when others recommended them, but always switched back to Xfce.

I have an old Eeepc that runs so smoothly on the latest Mint Xfce despite being a senior in computer years.

And that’s why it was about time I gushed about Xfce on here 😀

    10 个月前

    The first Linux distro I used was Xubuntu and I've use Xfce primarily ever since. I've used a lot of different distros over the years but have almost always used Xfce. I think my only serious time away from it was using Plasma for a while before Xfce had hidpi support.