He likes the perception of power more than power itself. He declares victory, gets it ‘stolen’ and then is ‘forced’ to leave. He then starts a media company or something.

He’ll lose MI, WI, and AZ. That’s enough to tip Biden over the edge

    • Keegs [any]
      4 years ago

      It's easy to forget but there's a voiceless mass who hate their landlords, their bosses, the banks, the corporations. Liberals just think these things need to be tweaked a little. There are people who've been burned by capitalism hard, if a solid base can be built out of even a fraction of them then real ground can be made.

    • notaliberal [any]
      4 years ago

      when they're not leftists and never will be, yeah, lol... it's a very good thing.

      look what they've brought us so far... a fucking hellscape.