• PowerCrazy@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    The dumbest rule that fortunately was only "tried" to be enforced was no gun racks in the student vehicles in the parking lot. This is was a rural area where for almost a hundred years people would have guns in the gun-racks in their trucks mostly. But with fire arm thefts etc it was pretty rare to actually have a gun loaded or unloaded in the gun-rack. Generally you'd just have the gun in the rack if you were hunting, or patrolling your ranch or whatever.

    Then Columbine happened and suddenly gun-racks and leather trench coats, aka dusters, another extremely common piece of clothing in a rural ranching town were priority number one by reactionary's. Hundreds of otherwise lawful students were suspended, ticketed, arrested etc and finally after several months I assume someone had a "are we the baddies?" moment, and coupled with hundreds of lawsuits, the school system got a new superintendent and suddenly gun racks and dusters were back to being treated as the mundane items they are.