So, this started with a notification I got on Kickstarter about The Secret Art of Gamemastery . Is this worth picking up? Do you have any better suggestions for DMing advice?

    10 months ago

    The Alexandrian has a ton of Gamemastery 101 articles and videos, and he's got a book coming out soon. It's pretty good stuff. If you've ever heard of the three clues rule, that was him, and he goes into a lot more depth with how to use it.

    10 months ago

    It looks incredibly basic and difficult to incorporate into prep or play. It seems to be for people without experience.

    Berin Kinsman has a nice set of books on gamemastering. He does have a bit of a minimalist writing style. The books have some good advice that isn't commonly discussed.

    Robin Law's gamemastering book is a pretty good starting point.

    The Alexandian is also good, but I have some style disagreements with him.

    The old WEG starwars guide is very good for the basics.

    Cthulhu d20 has a pretty good section on presenting a more thrilling game and horror.

    Overall there is not a whole lot of great advice in the hobby. Most of it is the same bland or unactionable advice.