Is a coup still ‘electoralism’?

  • OhWell [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Trump bombed Iran in 2017, massively expanded the drone program and revoked a law that forced the military to report civilian casualties.

    Seems most people on this site think the military industrial complex is a hivemind and don't understand that it's a handful of capitalists at the top who have their own interests, most of them contradicting one another.

    Also, US imperialism has been declining for years. It was in a decline before Trump stepped in office. Ask neolibs and necons about the failures of Obama's presidency and the first thing they'll bring up is foreign policy. Obama screwed around in Afghanistan, which is now completely overrun with the Taliban to the point the US has lost that war and their puppet government toppled. Obama also completely squandered Syria and he was seen as a weak coward for not getting aggressive with Russia after Putin had his own power trip in the eastern bloc with seizing back the Crimea and invading Ukraine.

    All through 2014, conservatives were yelling "boots on the ground" in regards of Syria. They constantly talked about how WEAK WEAK WEAK they seen Obama to be for his foreign policy efforts, something that was also heavily criticized by the neolibs who worship at his altar.

    The media simply changed sides when Trump came into the picture and because 70% of all our media has a liberal bias, you suddenly heard about the US empire in decline, cause they refused to really cover it years ago.

    Trump is a failure much in the way Obama was in his second term, and Biden isn't going to fix it for them either.

    • cracksmoke2020 [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      It's really that Hillary Clinton was a war hawk in a way that Kerry wasn't as well. Many of these same people also describe Biden as more dovish than Obama.