Doesn't everyone, including the "side" one agrees with, have multi layered propaganda efforts? From state broadcasters to paid "grassroots" shills. Best to assume everyone is trying to sell you their story and critically evaluate everything you are being fed.
Or just go wave your side's flag and drink the coolaide. It is what the powers that are want you to do.
Doesn't everyone, including the "side" one agrees with, have multi layered propaganda efforts? From state broadcasters to paid "grassroots" shills. Best to assume everyone is trying to sell you their story and critically evaluate everything you are being fed.
Or just go wave your side's flag and drink the coolaide. It is what the powers that are want you to do.
No. They don't.
Perhaps you can offer a single example of the other side's multi layered propaganda?
Lemmygrad is an example of evil CPC propaganda, checkmate tankies