Just putting out feelers, anyone here run Linux on a surface pro 4 or 5? What distro did you use, and how did it go?

Edit: I've pulled the trigger on a Surface Pro 4. I'll make a new post in a week with my early impressions, which distro I've gone with, etc etc etc.

  • Raimu@lemmy.ml
    10 months ago

    SP4 owner here, you should avoid the pro 4, one of its revision (with the samsung display) is very prone to touch screen defects, see this issue.

    I'm avoiding surface in general now, after using linux-surface for a year, I finally gave up and got myself a thinkpad x1 tablet. Even without the touchscreen issues, my experience with my SP4 was never good, the cameras needs libcamera and are awful, audio input randomly stopped working after sleep,I had blackscreen issues after login, and random freeze.

    • SturgiesYrFase@lemmy.ml
      10 months ago


      Too late now, my SP4 arrives today. If the Linux experience is really really bad I'll just reinstall a stripped down Windows 10.

      • Raimu@lemmy.ml
        10 months ago

        I got a gen 3, basically what is not working are :

        • Internal MIcrophone
        • Back Camera
        • Fingerprint reader
        • FnLock key Everything else is working well enough so far for me. S2idle is working way more reliably on this device than on my SP4 but with a bit a tinkering I think that you can get S3 sleep working.