By this point they are willing to let the world burn rather than to bid goodbye and good riddance to the Ukronazis, accept their defeat, and admit that they wrong about Ukraine.

    2 years ago

    "I love superior free western values. Russian patriots want to see their country invaded and balkanized. Yes i am a leftist, why you ask?"

    -Zizek the nazi who supported the racist CIA separatist opposition in Yugoslavia (Slovenia) that broke up the country in the 90s

    • Muad'
      2 years ago

      The other day on a reddit "communist" sub, on another post about zizek, the most upvoted comment was from a person claiming to be a serb, saying that the breakup of yugoslavia wasn't caused by the US, but by "serbian fascists", and they supported the breakup of yugoslavia along with zizek. Every time we debunked them, they just kept more loudly claiming that as a serb / former yugoslav, they knew more about the situation, and why balkanization was a good thing.

        2 years ago

        And lets not forget the show trials against Slobodan Milosevic, Radovan Karadzic, Ratko Mladic and others. Milosevic was murdered by the EU nazis in prison, they didnt allow him medical treatment for his heart problems and he died of a heart attack. And the worst, even the fake tribunal had to admit he was innocent. That scum murdered an innocent man just for opposing US imperialism and neoliberalism.

          2 years ago

          Is there something I haven't seen?I know Milosevic was declared innocent but Karadzic and Mladic are both Card carrying Massmurderers or did I miss something?

            2 years ago

            Many people will say what you say, that they are "evil genocidal mass murderers". However, i have read a lot on this, and i have found no evidence of this. The War in Croatia and Bosnia was started by the Tudman ustashe fascists and the Izetbegovic Al Qaeda jihadists. They wanted to create an ethnically pure Croatia and Bosnia respectively, and were very clear about it. Tudman as i said was an open admirer of the ustashe (croat fascist militia that fought with the nazis in WW2, they genocided hundreds of thousands of muslims and serbs) and a holocaust denier, who openly said that muslims and serbs had to be expelled from Croatia.

            Same with Izetbegovic, who had fought in the Waffen SS during WW2 and was imprisoned for it under Tito. In 1983, Izetbegovic published his "Islamic Declaration", in which he advocated for a sharia law islamic theocracy in Bosnia, and he said this was only possible by expelling all nonmuslims, since "muslims and nonmuslims cannot peacefully coexist". In 1983, yugoslav courts ruled the Islamic Declaration promoted chauvinism and genocide, and sentenced Izetbegovic to 14 years in prison.

            This is the type of people that ruled Croatia and Bosnia, bloodthirsty fascists. You would think that this would result in a prosecution right? And yet, while the police were hunting down Milosevic and Mladic, Tudman and Izetbegovic were calmly in their homes, undisturbed, they were never prosecuted. While Tudman and Izetbegovic were genociding serbs and each other, the serbs were trying to find antifascist allies against them. If Mladic was a "bloodthirsty butcher who wanted to kill all muslims", then why did he ally with Fikret Abdic, a muslim politician? Abdic, unlike Izetbegovic, was a secular social democrat and antifascist. He led muslim militias to try to overthrow Izetbegovic, and he proclaimed the Republic of Western Bosnia as a base to do so. This republic was allied with the serbs against the croat and muslim fascists during all of the war. Coincidentally, while Izetbegivic was never prosecuted, Abdic was immediately arrested and imprisoned for decades after the war ended. Its almost like this is a victors justice isnt it?

            The serbs were only defending themselves from genocide, they didnt start that war and had no intention to "create a Greater Serbia" as the narrative goes. They were being expelled from their own houses, were they supposed to just let it happen?

            Now on crimes committed by serbs. There was no genocide, this is a complete lie. However there were deportations on an ethnic basis. Was it good? Hell no! But you must understand this. You had big muslim population enclaves in serb territory. You have no way of knowing who supports Izetbegovic and who doesnt. You have to secure your territory, so you can only do 2 things. You imprison them all, which is terrible, or you send them to muslim territory, which is what they did. I agree, its terrible, but thats how war is, serbs didnt start that war, NATO and their puppets did. Besides, this was done in many other wars. Stalin did it in WW2 with ethnic groups that mass collaborated with the nazis, such as tatars or chechens, he deported them to Kazakhstan to secure the front. Now were atrocities committed? Ofc yes. But it was not a state sponsored thing, it was done by rogue units in the military and chetnik militias.

            Now on the supposed "crimes" that Mladic and Karadzic committed that make up the so called "bosnian genocide". When you hear "bosnian genocide" you think hundreds of concentration camps right? Yet, if you look into it, the "tribunal" could only prove 2 events that make up this "genocide". The first is the Siege of Sarajevo, which was done first by the Yugoslav Peoples Army and then by the Army of Republika Srpska, and lasted 3 years. During this siege, many civilians died due to shelling. However, the serbs, since the beginning of the siege, had offered Izetbegovic to evacuate all the population, but he refused, he knew civilian deaths would help justify a NATO intervention. Yet somehow the serbs are to blame for the deaths.

            The second event is the Srebrenica massacre of 1995. Now Srebrenica was a muslim enclave deep within serb territory. To avoid civilian deaths, it was declared a UN Safe Haven in 1993. UN peacekeepers were dispatched there. Their task was to protect Srebrenica from any possible attack by Ratko Mladics serb troops and to disarm the local Izetbegovic loyal muslim troops led by Naser Orics. But yet, UN peacekeepers did not disarm the muslim troops. This allowed Oric to use Srebrenica as a safe base from where to attack serb territory, since serbs couldnt go in to respond. From Srebrenica, Oric carried out hundreds of attacks on serb villages, torturing serb civilians to death with bayonets and knives, often ending with a beheading. After every new attack, the serbs would ask the UN to do their job and disarm Oric, but they refused. Oric also used UN helicopters to transport weapons from muslim territory to Srebrenica to continue his guerrilla operations.

            So, after 2 years of the UN doing nothing and thousands of dead serb civilians, Mladic decided to do the job of the UN himself. He stormed Srebrenica and disarmed the muslim troops. Most of the muslim population was expelled to muslim territory, it is false that all the men were killed. Most of the dead men were soldiers. Now were atrocities committed? Ofc, but it wasnt ordered from above, much less a genocide. Coincidentally, Oric had already escaped Srebrenica by helicopter before the attack. In fact, the muslim police chief of Srebrenica at the time, has said that Izetbegovic knew the attack was coming and wanted it to happen. This makes sense since Srebrenica was the main justification for the 1995 NATO invasion of Bosnia.

            Does this look like a bloodthirsty genocide to you? To me it doesnt. If you wanna read more on this i recommend the book "To Kill a Nation" by Michael Parenti and an RT documentary on Mladic ill link below.