Not houselessness itself. Not it's conditions and causes and rates and all that. No demographics either.

There's a side to houselessness that people do not see. Most interactions between housed and dirty besides police is charitable shit; He told me God loves me and gave me a $20. It doesn't often go beyond that, except maybe the occasional conversation between a homeless person and the person behind the counter at 7-11.

My best friend is a chronically houseless person. He has a sick fucking camp and doesn't give a fuck about being homeless.

I'm either friends with or acquaintances with like several dozen unhoused people who regularly come into the store I work graveyard at, on east side Portland, Oregon. We They are a vibrant culture of their own, living in the shadows of a day that doesn't belong to us them. I have friends with cool personalities and backgrounds. I want to use this as an opportunity to teach you guys about unhoused people, the culture they have; what they do, and all that shit.

So yeah, ask away.

  • Odo [any]
    4 years ago

    (I'm sorry if this is really dumb or offensive)

    How does hobo culture compare to unhoused people culture?

    • c6cain6jih6d [she/her]
      4 years ago

      You're thinking of dirty kids/train hoppers vs the kind of people who live in tents and on the sidewalk and stuff.

      There's a ton of subcultures out here, many of whom overlap and merge together at the ends like ciggie cellophane repurposed as drug baggie. Like Dead Heads aren't quite hippies, and hippies are the opposite of punks, and you can be punk and live in a tent by the freeway on-ramp just as much as any freight kid can be punk.

    • c6cain6jih6d [she/her]
      4 years ago

      But to answer your question it depends. Hobo culture is a subset of unhoused culture as a whole, like how English is a subset of Germanic . Let's take a crack at it.

      Assuming hobo is a more age-inclusive form of dirty kid...

      • Dirty kids/hobos don't give a fuck. Most unhoused people are territorial to a degree. They'll share but follow the principles of good fences make good neighbors. Dirty kids, again, don't care so much.
      • Meth is the stuff that keeps the shopping carts running on time. Dirty kids/hobos smoke weed, do psychedelics, drink, and do heroin.

      All I can think of atm.