Hey folks, just thought I'd post the updated source code for the gwordcountbot here. Thanks to all those who gave feedback! I'm using regular expressions now so I don't have to worry about exponentially increasing for loop times or punctuation, and I got rid of that scary eval that allowed Python injection and replaced it with JSON.

As far as where it lives, I forgot I had a raspberry pi lying around so I've scheduled it to run every two minutes on there, and can now promptly forget about it forever. If it ever stops running or you want improvements, just ping me and I'll get to work. If you ping me and I don't respond, just assume I died of covid and set up gwordcountbot2 with the code and run it yourself. Can't wait for bots to get banned, but until then gwordcountbot will Live.

百花齊放, 百家机器人鳴