Even my meat eater 26 children L O V E these black bean burgers.

    • crispyhexagon [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      you dont just add coffee to things. its a substitution for water thats already in a recipe, because coffee is literally just flavoured water.

      you could also steep it in milk or cream, but thats a different conversation

      edit: people absolutely do make bad suggestions tho. "this recipe needs three tablespoons of salt, not one half teaspoon!" :virgil-sad:

    • CommieTommy [he/him]
      4 years ago

      some of the best/worst experiences with cooking I've had have started by finding an interesting new recipe skimming through the ingredients, then realising that I don't have one of the main ingredients but I've already wedded myself to the idea of making it so I just try and substitute other things in and carry on. Using this method cooking becomes an emotional roller coaster and I usually end up sitting on the kitchen floor wandering why I made all the dumb choices I did while I wait for whatever monstrosity I've made to be finished in the oven / microwave. My greatest creations to date have been the 'Explosive Mug Muffin Fudge'[1] (I accidentally put icing sugar in instead of self-raising flour because I wasn't focusing, which caused the mug muffin to rapidly bubble up and then start popping within the microwave, and basically forming fudge due to the absurdly high sugar levels) and the Zombie Brain Muffins'[2] (me and a friend were going to make some muffins but due to poor coordination we ended up without most of the ingredients so we just cobbled together whatever we could, leading to us making marshmallow and macha muffins which made a mixture that looked like zombie brains), all of the other improvised recipes were awful so I never gave them a name I just try to pretend to myself that they never happened.

      1. TM ↩︎

      2. TM ↩︎