Lenin: "The difference between the revolutionary Marxists and the anarchists is not only that the former stand for centralised, large-scale communist production, while the latter stand for disconnected small production..."

My thoughts: It's fairly obvious now that "Bigger is Always Better" is wrong. It would have seemed more convincing 100 years ago. Bigger is sometimes better. Small-scale production has some advantages. (Do I need to state them? I'll leave it to the reader as an exercise.)

If Big Communism and Small Anarchism both have their uses in their contexts, some sort of dual-track economy is needed, two parallel ways of organising the means of production.

  • Tychoxii [he/him, they/them]
    10 months ago

    tbh i think it's more difficult to make blanket statements about anarchists than about marxists. i would tend to agree wiht you, anarchism tends to promote a different kind of organisation but it can be as small or as big as needed in principle. the second part of the quote is the more common divide where anarchists tend to want to smash the state immediately versus marxists.

    unless you are an enlighted anarchomarxist gigachad