Howdy comrades! So I have been an active member of my local sunrise movement group for about a year now. Most of the people are really awesome and have been solid friends. We've done some good work locally (as well as the electoral/phone banking BS that sunrise is known for) but only recently have I really been able to look into the national organization. Its pretty clear that the people at the top are either ignorant or deceitful, probably a combination of both, and would rather keep the movement as a phone banking non-profit while they coast along in their political careers.

A large number of volunteers are very unhappy with this situation and I see a perfect opportunity to agitate and to hopefully switch the trajectory of the movement. Young people already tend to be more left-leaning and, when you factor in that most of us are actually concerned about the real horrors of the climate crisis, it feels like a hot bed for radicalization.

I've been working to build an eco-socialist caucus and have been publicly (within the org anyways) combating the paid staff's liberalism (thanks Mao!) What else should I be doing? What is the best way to build power within the base of the movement to challenge the national leaders? Is it even worth it? I am not going to spend much more time in Sunrise if this project fails, but I figured I'd give it a shot because they are a relatively large org with a network of hard-working young people.