I've definitely turned into the paranoid nutcase within my friend group in recent years, I hate that everything is "smart" nowadays requiring an app/internet connection & account, just to do basic things that didn't require any of that before.

What's some things currently making you ramble like an old man?

  • LongPigFlavor@lemmy.ml
    10 months ago

    My little brother has been glued to his tablet since he was 3. He goes to the same elementary school I used to go to, but they no longer use Windows desktop pc and instead they use Chromebooks. I remember learned how to use computers back in 4th and 5th grade, I learned how to use a browser, how to use a search engine, how to use a database, and how to use Microsoft Word and PowerPoint.

    • keepcarrot [she/her]
      10 months ago

      We had a bus that taught you how to touch type. I think it had a bunch of laptops in it