In this article on baidu, there is a gap between 1988 and 1999, why is there nothing about some kind of protest that everyone keeps telling me about?

Edit: Thank you for responding, you have taught me a great deal about the usage and necessity of propaganda, counter-propaganda and censorship in a Marxist-Leninist state like China. Although some relied upon lies and insults as a means of trying to win an argunent, I got actual contentful theoretical education out of this, thanks.

    1 year ago

    I think the bigger question is if this is mostly for a Chinese audience why do they need to mention the event everywhere? How long do they need to keep self flagellating until they have made penance and will be forgiven for whatever transgressions occurred?

    • Better Red Than
      1 year ago

      It is not only for a Chinese audience, no. It is about a government's lack being being able to admiss guilt, countered with censorship to forget that mistakes ever happened, instead of trying to learn from past mistakes.

      "In opposing subjectivism, sectarianism and stereotyped Party writing we must have in mind two purposes: first, "learn from past mistakes to avoid future ones", and second, "cure the sickness to save the patient". The mistakes of the past must be exposed without sparing anyone's sensibilities; it is necessary to analyse and criticize what was bad in the past with a scientific attitude so that work in the future will be done more carefully and done better." - Mao Zedong, ["Rectify the Party's Style of Work" (February 1, 1942), Selected Works, Vol. III, p. 50.*]

        • Better Red Than
          1 year ago

          I will maybe try to be less "rebellious" next time I ask a question, I am sorry. You are like the only person here who is able to write senseful answers and educate, instead of just resolving to petty insults like other accounts here. Thanks.

          I have to live with constant counter propaganda, so it is not that easy for me, I have to question every single bit of info about socialist countries to be able to filter all propaganda.

        • Better Red Than
          1 year ago

          It has to obey the country's laws, as any company in any country would need to. China is a socialist country, so the state has the information monopoly, for effective agitprop etc, which also has many different positive sides for the worker's class! But it also has problems, which need to be pointed out and fixed.

            1 year ago

            That's a mischaracterisation of China; even state owned media (not sure baidu baike falls under media or news) has a lot of leeway to choose what they publish without CPC interference. Plus I don't think there's any law that says you can't talk about 6 4 or the Beijing protests, seeing that has a declassified report on it made at the time.

            I think its much more likely that people don't really care to talk about it. Have you searched for Beijing riots or Beijing protests?

            • Better Red Than
              1 year ago

              yes I was trolling, sorry. I just want to know one more thing, does this censorship to protect china from outside propaganda also affect prolewiki (since you are working on that project), or is this really just inside china? Because other people, like libs for example, could unironically have some kind of possible opinion that I have portrayed here, so I want to learn counter arguments in action

                1 year ago

                Libs will believe whatever feels right. If you praise a country but then give the slightest criticism of it, they will focus on that criticism and forget everything else. And they'll still call you tankies even if you try to appeal to them.

                You can lead the lib to water but you can't make him drink.

                Like all communists, we reject that AES states have committed atrocities as claimed by bourgeois historians, and not only that, but that they are indefensible. There's context behind everything and if I wouldn't have done better in their situation then I can't criticize a course of action.

                You still seem to be operating under the assumption that the Chinese government has something to hide or is lying somehow about the Beijing riots. But everything is there and the ProleWiki page, while a bit short, has the gist of it. There was no Tiananmen Square Massacre because no deaths occurred inside the square, this is confirmed by people that were there (including student leaders). So the media calling it the TSM is simply wrong and lying. The riots happened throughout Beijing.

                That the CIA also backed the protests is historically attested. That soldiers went there unarmed and were killed by some protestors is also attested historically by pictures. That the protests had slowed down as the CPC was talking to and negotiating with the more moderate, original protestors is also attested to historically on TV. That some protestors had access to weapons is attested to by pictures. That there were two factions of protestors is also attested to -- there are pictures of protestors exchanging food with PLA soldiers just as there are pictures of soldiers being lynched.

                Meanwhile the western media only has the testimony of a British diplomat in occupied Hong Kong (he never went to Beijing during the protests) making grandiose claims that nobody else corroborated.

                We don't need to do a both sides for it on ProleWiki, if they're not going to believe what's written, they're not going to believe it.

    • Better Red Than
      1 year ago

      This search results page is tampered. You use an uncommon search query (1989政治风波 = 1989 Political Turmoil, a strong euphemism, instead of "unrest" or "demonstration", " protest") to get specific results, probably for exactly this reason: plausible denialbility.

      If you click on the first result, the only thing said about the protests is one small sentence at the very end (that again uses euphemisms and is even just downplaying the event by just not talking about it that long), like it just happened casually on the side. To quote directly in chinese, since I am appareantly a 'stupid westerner, not understanding the chinese language and posts articles about numbers':

      "与此同时,据说有上千万农民在城市中寻找工作,结果就迅速发生了一系列抗议、罢工和游行示威行动,最终导致了1989年的政治风波。" -

      Yeah, just farmers looking for work, making a little unrest.

      The rural population did not even participate in the protests, except if a student was from a rural area maybe.

      Or another quote from another result:

      "1989年春夏之交在首都和一些地方发生政治风波,党中央采取了断然措施予以解决。" -

      Yeah, some small turmoil occurred, but has dealt with. Same stylistic elements as the first example.

      I could go an all day, all of the petty attempts of trying to get me into an absurd argument with petty provocation, I am not that stupid.

        1 year ago

        From an article linked:








        RoomAndBored has linked to the official statement which is probably as detailed as it will get.

      • Better Red Than
        1 year ago


        Don't exist: [2]

        Can't be verified: [1] Vancouver Sun, article written in a google doc, authenthiticity can't be proven, source of source in bottom is a link that doest not work.

        Contradicts the Prolewiki article: [13] CBS News,

        Quote: "But there's no question many people were killed by the army that night around Tiananmen Square, and on the way to it — mostly in the western part of Beijing. Maybe, for some, comfort can be taken in the fact that the government denies that, too."

        Hyperlink in quote leads to dead page, so archived link: l: "We could hear shooting. A large group of students and civilians at this corner of Tiananmen Square were facing lines of soldiers.

        We could see burning vehicles on the Square and we tried to approach discreetly, but were told the soldiers would certainly shoot."

        Quote from ProleWiki article: "Around 5:00 am on June 4, the 3,000 remaining protestors peacefully left the square. No one died in the square during or after the protests and most deaths were caused by the foreign-backed faction of students."

        You see? The sources are very bad, their contents also twisted around, like in [13]; the source was used to "proof" that "[n]o one died in the square [...]" and "[...] deaths were caused by the foreign-backed faction [...]". If you would use this kind of sourcing in any scientific work, everyone would laugh at you.

        Don't let yourself be blinded by the 'truth' that sounds the most comforting

        • ∞🏳️‍⚧️Edie [it/its]
          1 year ago

          The mango press article was available up until at least June of this year. It was retrieved last year. This shouldn't be news to you. You clearly show knowledge of by using it, so I don't understand why you have to point that out, when you can check if it was available and now isn't?

          The CBS news article is a recounting of one person telling their story of Tianamen. It links, for whatever reason, to another different persons telling of their story.

          • Better Red Than
            1 year ago

            Yes I know all of that, I know that mangopress also has a telegram account and that personal experiences can be easily faked.

            I was just bored and needed something to waste time on, why not hypothetical bs about "evil ccp big brother skynet country" narrative

    1 year ago

    It's probably censored because it's a politically sensitive topic. From my reading, the article is meant to promote tourism and pride in national monuments, not to discuss history in detail. Mentioning those events is seen as encouraging social unrest.

    • Better Red Than
      1 year ago

      Since when do encyclopedias promote tourism? Those are photographs taken by tourists. Also, why are politically sensitive topics censored? I do not understand this, they are not censored in other communist parties, groups.

        1 year ago

        All current actually existing socialism is in a defensive stance. This is needed because of the history of bourgeois liberal democracies seeking to destabilize and collapse socialist states by any means necessary. Socialist states that didn't do a good enough job of defending themselves are no longer with us largely because of such actions. This is precisely why government censorship exists in China, to help maintain the social order and ensure stability of the socialist state. Stability is especially valued in China for historical reasons. Other AES countries like Vietnam also censor things like hate speech or misinformation to some extent, including jail time for the worst offenders.

        For Tiananmen Square specifically, there's a huge misinformation campaign from Western countries about the events of the protest. If you go up to a random Westerner, show them the iconic photo of the man in front of the tank, and ask them what happened to the man, they will likely tell you that the man was run over. This is, of course, not what happened, and there's video evidence to this effect. But the misinformation in the West is hegemonic and entrenched, and if it got around in the PRC, it would take a lot of time and effort to debunk it and not everyone would believe you anyway. So, for the Chinese government, they prevent people from bringing it up more than absolutely necessary by censorship. It's not the ideal solution but it will have to do for now.

        If that is enough to squick you out about MLism you should do some introspection about why that is. If you're truly committed to revolutionary politics you may find yourself needing to do much worse than censorship in the future. It is necessary for revolutionary movements to strike a balance between achieving their goals and avoiding the worst excesses of revolutions. As we know from history, this can be quite a difficult balance to strike, especially if the people have had a boot on their neck for a long time and are full of righteous anger. We need people like you in our movements to rein us in, but not so much that the revolution fails and all of it was for nothing.

        • Better Red Than
          1 year ago

          Finally, the answer I wanted. Thank you very much for taking the time to respond, you helped me broaden my view on why things are how they are.

          I see the point. Looking at it abstractly as a war between narratives, lies and propaganda, it does make sense. But it does feel like an admission of guilt in the first moment, because why censor when you can make counter-propaganda? But yes, it is logical.

          I was just questioning my beliefs there because I felt like I have been conciously lied to by the CPC comrades, which has shocked me, because trust in the communist cause is endless.

          EDIT: Still, I very much think that agitating a whole squad of wumaos to try to disintegrate the potential dissident for single post thing is too much

            1 year ago

            Counter-propaganda runs the risk of putting protest front of mind in the people because you're talking about a protest. It requires constant work to keep it up. And it can engender suspicion more than censorship. In a situation where people are already indoctrinated like in the US, you have to do counter-propaganda, reeducation, or cultural revolution to clear certain things up. But it's a lot easier to not need to do that in the first place, and that's what censorship can sometimes accomplish.

            Like Covid, if enough people take the bait and a meme begins to spread, censorship can stop working. In this case counter-propaganda can become the preferred strategy. Something similar happened in China where Covid became so contagious that zero-Covid became too expensive or difficult to keep up. Containment was breached such that it became untenable. In the case of Covid the result was about a million deaths in China. In a lot of cases, these are not small consequences. Moving on from censorship is likely seen as too risky with not enough upside, although this is only my speculation.

            • Better Red Than
              1 year ago

              So in short words, propaganda makers are lazy, want to work more efficiently, so they censor. Problem is China's image in the liberal west, they use this again as propaganda. endless circle...

                1 year ago

                It's not just a question of laziness IMO. Censorship can also take a lot of bureaucratic work. But it has a reliability advantage that counter-propaganda does not.

                Plus, the domestic situation is more important than what some liberals in the global north think. They will always find a way to hate China if the geopolitical situation calls for it, including funding terrorist organizations to stoke a proxy war to help destabilize China and then blaming China for carrying out a successful and relatively humane counterterrorism campaign. There's no winning with these people. All you can do is your best.

              • zkrzsz [he/him]
                1 year ago

                It's not lazy if they chose to do the solution that is more cost effective. On media sites, there are tons compare to 2-3 from China.

                I only see this event keep pooping up from the West, why bother do it if you're out-gunned media-wise there?

      • KiG
        1 year ago

        Info on TinSquare isn't censored, you can find it in the Chinese web, they don't hide anything about it (because there is nothing much to hide!). But as bobs_guns says, if the info is already available, does it need to be on every mention of TS, especially for a touristy site?

        • Better Red Than
          1 year ago

          Baidu baike is a 百科, an encyclopedia, not a tourist site.

          • KiG
            1 year ago

            Hm, okay that's fair, I looked around a little more and see it is indeed an encyclopedia, although I will say it isn't very detailed. I guess I don't know what the role this website is trying to fill; is this for introductory content? Is this a heavy traffic site? I will say that there definitely is TS detailed in other Chinese sites, a Chinese website is about half of where I read about TS originally. I don't think there is anything they should fear they have to hide. I guess my new guess will have to be: brevity.

            • KiG
              1 year ago

              I have spent more time looking around; a lot of articles are very spotty, have typos, miss fairly important information. Their article on the USA was almost...lukewarm? It's an odd site for sure. Incomplete at best.

    1 year ago

    How about this, why doesn't it mention the October 28th 2013 terrorist attack?

    On 1989 Political Disturbance:

  • Better Red Than
    1 year ago

    This makes me lose faith in Marxism-Leninism by quite a bit, governments that cover up their "mistakes" and can't admit them, do not govern in the interest of the people, only in the state's.