I work in theoretical physics. Part of my job is discussing theory with the members of my team. The latest is a doozy. We might be able to observe alternate realities. No shit. Sight, sound, smell. The whole thing. In arbitrary resolution. Yes, impressive.

So we're discussing the mind-boggling ramifications of all that when the office temp walks in with donuts and coffee.

And I say, "Thanks dude! Bavarian cream is my favorite!".

And the office temp shouts, "I'm not a dude!" and pushes the coffee and donuts onto the floor. Big mess.

And I reply, "Nobody cares about your stupid gender."

Later, Steve, the team leader, yells at me for that. Tells me that I need to be more culturally sensitive.

So am I the asshole?

  • GARlactic@lemm.ee
    10 months ago

    ESH. The office temp for throwing the donuts and coffee onto the floor. You for not being understanding of this person's gender identity, and also you for making this story up.