I work in theoretical physics. Part of my job is discussing theory with the members of my team. The latest is a doozy. We might be able to observe alternate realities. No shit. Sight, sound, smell. The whole thing. In arbitrary resolution. Yes, impressive.

So we're discussing the mind-boggling ramifications of all that when the office temp walks in with donuts and coffee.

And I say, "Thanks dude! Bavarian cream is my favorite!".

And the office temp shouts, "I'm not a dude!" and pushes the coffee and donuts onto the floor. Big mess.

And I reply, "Nobody cares about your stupid gender."

Later, Steve, the team leader, yells at me for that. Tells me that I need to be more culturally sensitive.

So am I the asshole?

  • EnsignRedshirt [he/him]
    10 months ago

    This is an incredibly embarrassing attempt at trolling. You should post it on Reddit, they’d love it over there.