• sinovictorchan@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    Winston Churchill who lead UK against Fascists has robbed India of food to cause the Bengali famine just so the UK military could prepare for future war after WW2. Why would the Western European diaspora assist a former colony that they had starved to death of 3 million people in WW2? The USA obviously do not care about the people of color in the two world wars and the US intentional cause mass destruction of habitable land and mutation of babies in Vietnam for their resist agenda. The college professors in Canada who studied related discipline and some YouTube videos are my sources.

      • sinovictorchan@lemmygrad.ml
        1 year ago

        Here is the YouTube video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bAj_2b_-aQI&pp=ygUPYmVuZ2FsaSBmYXJtaW5l) that revealed that the Bengali farmine is solely from Churchill's policies. As explained by the video, Winston Churchill's claim that the famine is due to internal factor in India was disproven by the recent scientific investigation of the soil in the affected India region that showed that the weather was highly suitable for agricultural productivity in the peak of the famine.

        This YouTube video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJaJbq9aRFI&pp=ygUVYWdlbnQgb3JhbmdlIG1hbGF5c2lh) proved that the US know about the effects of Agent Orange before the Vietnam civil war since the UK used it in Malaysia contrary to the claim of some racist conservative European emigrants in social media who claimed that the sole Liberal superpower are willing to use chemical weapons with unknown effects against the people of color.