Someone direct me to a guide for this shit because I have no idea how y'all do it

      1 year ago

      I was mainly asking for directions to a guide. I'm more tech literate than most but still not very so all the links to 8 different GitHub pages get confusing and I don't know how to implement it all

      I'm only just now understand that the brackets at the beginning of every post are referring to the specific desktop environment

    1 year ago

    How? Installing the right tools and changing configuration files wich are typically (but not always) located under /home/[your user]/.config/[application]

    For example neofetch config is located at ~/.config/neofetch/config But i think that's not the default config. An example config would be typically (but again not always) located at /usr/share/[application)

    So what you would do is

    cp -r /usr/share/neofetch ~/.config

    vim ~/.config/neofetch/config

    And edit the file however you want. Syntax is rarely the same between apps so prepare documentation if you do more than just change values

    (Replace vim with you editor of choice)