On this date, 50 years ago, we learned what happens when an advanced workers led project reaches power through elections in bourgeois democracy.

We learned how the bourgeoisie takes back control when there is no revolutionary organization ready to fight back.

They will kill us, they will torture us and they will create an economic devastation to make sure we don't try again.

There's no alternative. It's revolution or death, socialism or barbarism.

  • COMHASH@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    He didn't reconciliate. He was overthrown by CIA with the help of anglophone countries. Why people are changing the narrative? He was a true Marxist leninist and applied Marxism in Chile in its national conditions. He will be remembered as a fighter and a great communist.

    • Kultronx@lemmygrad.ml
      1 year ago

      He literally appointed Pinochet to a position of power in hope that he would stave off right wing attacks. He didn't aggressively go after right wingers because he was part of a larger coalition. Some will say he also didn't arm the masses and work more with the MIR to remake the Chilean state faster in the Leninist sense. It was a damn difficult position to be in. I of course still respect the heck out of Allende.

    • aleshasmiles@lemmygrad.ml
      1 year ago

      Small correction, he was indeed a Marxist but he was a member of the more moderate Socialist Party, not the Communist Party.