I had taken a break for several weeks after the last time that the server was having issues, now as i have a little free time again i tried logging on recently and was able to play for a few hours and then the server started disconnecting me again and i have largely been unable to login since then.
This is a bit disheartening as i had plans for some builds before the next update drops that will ruin villager trading...
I hope everyone else's experience has been more positive than mine.
I had taken a break for several weeks after the last time that the server was having issues, now as i have a little free time again i tried logging on recently and was able to play for a few hours and then the server started disconnecting me again and i have largely been unable to login since then.
This is a bit disheartening as i had plans for some builds before the next update drops that will ruin villager trading...
I hope everyone else's experience has been more positive than mine.
Right now it's working without a problem. Guess Edward was able to fix it :)