I'd like a good markdown editor with a material you theme.

I like obsidian but the UI is sluggish and doesn't fit.

I'd prefer if it's FOSS but proprietary is fine, and it must look good.

  • jayemar@lemm.ee
    10 months ago

    I've been using "Simple Markdown" when I don't want to fire up Obsidian and it's filled that gap well for me. It's the one from William P. Brawner and it's pretty stylistically neutral so might not fit your Material You vibe, but looks are subjective so who knows.

  • fievel@lemm.ee
    10 months ago

    Well, not really a markdown editor by say but Joplin which is basically a note taking app has a very good built-in MD editor. Personally, I use it often to write markdown and then copy paste in regular editor...