• miss_brainfart@lemmy.ml
    10 months ago

    „Here's the ten bucks you let me borrow, sorry it took so long, I hope you aren't angry at me“

    I gave this person money?

    • Shinji_Ikari [he/him]
      10 months ago

      The other day at work, a coworker was like "I owe you for lunch anyway" when we were putting in an order and I had no idea what he meant till he reminded me like 6 months ago i gave him an old NES that needed some work with the promise of a lunch at some point.

  • ArgentCorvid [Iowa]@midwest.social
    10 months ago

    I was featured in a story told by someone at a funeral regarding some disagreement/fight I and the deceased had.

    Don't remember it at all, nothing about it even rang a bell.

  • thisonethatone [he/him]
    10 months ago

    When you have OCD and ADHD so you hold onto the grudge because what if you forget??????

  • db0@lemmy.dbzer0.comM
    10 months ago

    I only hold one single grudge in my life. The one fucker in high-school who took the accountant role when my mother died of cancer, took the money my class raised for my family, and spent them on luxury stuff for himself.

  • AphoticDev@lemmy.dbzer0.com
    10 months ago

    That's why you need to read Building A Second Brain by Tiago Forte. Then you can just have you Little Black Book in the cloud so you never forget.

  • Abraxiel
    10 months ago

    I tend not to hold grudges because I don't see the point of holding anger. If someone wrongs me I might increase the distance between us socially or not trust them with certain things if I feel it would be unwise to continue. Sometimes there needs to be some kind of reconciliation for things to be close again. I've definitely stopped being friends with people for reasons that were unlikely to change or where it wasn't worth continuing, but it's very hard for me to stay mad at them or wish them ill. Even the people who've done awful things to me or who are now contemptible in many respects, I just kind of hope they do better in the future, far away from me.

    I've never considered this to have anything to do with my adhd, but maybe? It would definitely be something more complicated than just forgetting though.

  • GreenTeaRedFlag [any]
    10 months ago

    My ADHD only fucks with memory of when things will happen, I generally remember things which have already happened. I have a really strong sense of justice and tend to fixate on that so I hold a lot of grudges and I need to learn how to stop.

    • UnicodeHamSic [he/him]
      10 months ago

      Sounds more like an AuADHD diagnosis then. I have the same mostly. It is weird to be reading up on thr new research on the types and causes of ahdh and realize how little personality I actually have

        • UnicodeHamSic [he/him]
          10 months ago

          It refers to the fact that adhd and autism and diagnosed by symptoms and there are several diffrent brain configurations that produce symptoms that overlap. This is more of a disability advocate term than a medical diagnosis. However as the diagnosis is descriptive of constellations of symptoms we can just redefine them as we feel is useful. There is a significant group of people that feel like they have needs that are not sufficiently addressed by either diagnosis alone.

      • GreenTeaRedFlag [any]
        10 months ago

        My sense of justice comes from my upbringing, i don't think I'm autistic.

        • UnicodeHamSic [he/him]
          10 months ago

          Nor do I but here we are. I have been reading about how loose the ven diagram of low level autism and adhd is and I wonder you know.

          • GreenTeaRedFlag [any]
            10 months ago

            That's fair. I'm a little thin skinned because people have often suggested I have autism based on stories about me, even though the me they know didn't make them think that. I don't really identify with autistic problems or a lot of the diagnostic criteria, so it does bother me a bit that people constantly suggest it. There's probably some ableism in there that I should work on.

            • UnicodeHamSic [he/him]
              10 months ago

              It's a spectrum right. Autism describes, at least according to the reading I have been doing, between four and nine different sets of Brian configurations. With a couple dozen sets of symptoms that may or may not be present and overlap other diagnosis. So it is all kind of a mess. Since it is mostly made up we can just do whatever we want with it.

              • GreenTeaRedFlag [any]
                10 months ago

                That's fair, but the things that people have said I might have it for are being able to go against social ques(not not pick up on them, but being able to act against them), having a good memory, having a strong sense of justice, and not being super popular. it's just not something that clicks for me, but ADHD definitely does.

                • UnicodeHamSic [he/him]
                  10 months ago

                  To be a diagnosis one of the criteria is that it has to impact your life significantly. So you can have some of the symptoms and not have the diagnosis if it isn't relevant to you.