The only term I could think of is defeminization.

It seems like most people understand what emasculation is and the things that cause it.

What are some examples of situations that can cause the feeling?

Edit: changed effeminization to defeminization.

    1 year ago

    The fact that there’s not an easily defined name for it should tell you something.

    The long and short of it is that emasculation is what happens when people think someone isn’t acting enough like “a man,” or is stopping someone from doing so.

    In women, it’s generally acting too much like a man. Getting called “shrill” or “aggressive” is something that frequently brought against women who take an assertive role. I’ve also seen women who were in senior positions asked to take notes during a meeting, as if they were a personal assistant rather than a manager.

    Emasculation is treating a man as less than a man. As if he were a woman. The equivalent for a woman is treating her like society has traditionally treated a woman. Our current best word for that is probably “misogyny,” but we can unfortunately also go with “normal.”

    1 year ago

    I’ve looked into this before and there is no word or equivalent phrase for what you’re talking about.

    Effeminization is more about men seen as too feminine so it’s not it.

    Inadequacy as a woman/girl is I guess the closest. There are idealized forms you’re pushed to be like when you’re growing up and into adulthood. Breasts are probably the closest stand-in for testicles in this context but it’s not a perfect one.

    1 year ago

    Shakespeare used the word "unsex" for this, I think. It's been a while but maybe Lady Macbeth was an example?

      1 year ago

      Wow I didnt expect this answer!

      "Come, you spirits That tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here, And fill me from the crown to the toe topful Of direst cruelty!"

      Now the removal female qualities is the desire of the character herself as she wants the spirits to remove her feminine qualities and emotions, so I dont know if this would count since the lack of traditional gender traits is a positive or atleast desired aspect.

      But great reference, I would never have thought of that.