I know the apps (babbel, duolingo), but was wondering if there are any good graphic novels, kids books, or other good reads online that I could go through.

Also: there is just sooooo much great Polish cinema. I have a lot of classic movies, but for some the subtitles are pretty rough or just cut-out part-way through the movie. Any links to movies with good subs (in English) would be appreciated!


  • mine [she/her,comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    these resources (and in your other comment too) are so great!! Dziękuję bardzo for sharing, I really appreciate it! I'm desperate to get past the ordering food stage and start being able to build my own sentences.

    • hottakesrus [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Nie ma problemu! Yea building my own sentences was intimidating at first because of all the grammatical cases. I don't know how you feel about studying grammar during language learning. But for me, learning some grammar was really helpful because I had a hard time trying to pick it up naturally. Check out the YT channel Polish With Ania. It was super helpful for me.

      • mine [she/her,comrade/them]
        4 years ago

        Sounds like we had/are having a similar experience. I think I need to just bite the bullet and start memorizing cases to get off the ground. I've been working at it for over a year now, trying to pick it up naturally and have gotten quite a lot of vocab stored away at this point, but damn if i can't say more than the example sentences in apps/tutorials and "survival" polish like gdzie jest dworzec? and poproszę cappuccino z mlekiem sojowym haha

        It's been a while since I checked for resources on youtube, I will def check out polish with ania!

        • hottakesrus [he/him]
          4 years ago

          Yea, I know exactly what you mean. Not being able to combine simple sentences after studying for a long time because the fucking word endings change constantly is super frustrating.

          I'm trying the mass immersion approach now (linked in the how to learn a language thread). They really destress the importance of speaking and language output. If you take in a lot of comprehensible input, combined with some grammar lessons every now and then, I think the speaking and sentence formation will come over time.