I am considering it but moving away from my currently established social circle would suck and I haven't even started learning any foreign languages yet.

  • regul [any]
    4 years ago

    I know two people who taught English in Seoul. One of them loved it and the other one killed himself.

  • roseateOculi [she/her,none/use name]
    4 years ago

    Had a friend who did it. He taught english in beijing for about a month before being fired because he was a very large black man. They didnt pay for his plane ticket back so he was stranded until we could round up enough money to bring him back.

    Definitely go do it if you think youll be fine; going to another country can be amazing. Just be aware of where youre going and how the people there will treat you.

  • Bedulge [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I did a couple years in S Korea.

    I thought it was amazing, loved every minute. Some people hate it.

    If you're going because you see it as a way to get paid to go on vacation, (as many do) you might not like it. You will be totally immersed in a society that has a different way of, living, eating, speaking, thinking and doing. Some people cant handle that.

    If you want to go because you want to have a cultural experience, do it. Its extremely worth it.

    But remember that you have a job. Teaching. If you think you would hate teaching: DO NOT DO IT. Teaching is not for everyone.

    You don't need to know the local language btw, so dont let that stop you. Some people spend years teaching and never learn. I would however, strongly reccomend learning the language. Its respectful to the culture that hosts you, and it is a valuable life skill. Just dont think you need to be good at it before you go. I knew almost no korean when I arrived