Comments are missing on larger threads like this one. Which ones are missing depends on the sort order used. Sort by old and then by new and you can see that there aren't any in common. So the comments are still there but not shown after some cap. If you scroll down to the bottom additional comments do not load and I'm not seeing a view more button either.
I'm on Firefox on Android. I checked and browsing from my desktop works just fine.

Edit: When I said scroll to the bottom I meant bottom of the comments not bottom of the page. I did manage to get additional comments to load. You can't just scroll to the bottom of the comments but need to go all the way down past the version string and about section. If I wait for a second there then I can scroll back up and see additional comments.

Another user is seeing the opposite behavior which is interesting. Either way I think it would be nice for things to be smoother like they are on desktop.