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    1 year ago

    So Ukraine can announce that when the territories are retaken, the properties will be restored to the original owners without compensation to the buyers, and that the buyers may be investigated for trading in stolen property, I’m guessing. If you buy a car that was stolen, you will simply lose it, and you will not get your money back. If you buy it knowing it was stolen, I’m pretty sure that’s a felony-level offense.

      1 year ago

      That only applies to state-owned property and sold via government’s electronic trading system ProZorro.Sale. Russia is planning on selling private property.

      Privatization is the paid alienation of state-owned property in favor of individuals or legal entities.

      All privatization objects are divided into small-scale and large-scale privatization objects. Objects of small-scale privatization include not only state-owned enterprises and stakes but also objects of unfinished construction and socio-cultural purposes, separate movable and immovable property, the value of which does not exceed UAH 250 million. If the cost of the object is higher than UAH 250 million – these are large-scale privatization objects, to which only state-owned enterprises and share packages can apply. Usually, such objects require more time for pre-privatization preparation, attraction of potential buyers and their familiarization with information about the enterprise.

      All objects are sold exclusively through government’s electronic trading system ProZorro.Sale, which is built on the principles of full transparency – the entire sale process takes place publicly and openly to avoid corruption. For entrepreneurs and companies, this is a good opportunity to buy something interesting for the development of their business and their community. For the country, this is economic recovery and development of the state.
