When the revolution happens do you think it will Marxist-Leninist, because it will have become more popular as it can prescribe a new socialism for our material conditions, or more Anarchistic in character, because of the individualistic ideology of the west?

Edit: thanks everyone for your responses, answering my questions and more.

  • cfgaussian@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    I would question the implicit assumption you are making here that there will be such a thing as "the revolution" (singular) in the US. The US is likely to be among the last places in the world to have revolutions and these will follow the long decline and demise of the US empire and the ensuing economic collapse that will be caused by the loss of US hegemony and neo-colonial extraction even as it tries to cling to its hegemony by wasting what little economic base it has left on militarism.

    Because of this it is much more likely that we will first see civil conflict followed by a fracturing of the US as it exists today into multiple different entities, some fully others semi-autonomous and with different regional cultures determining what kind of system they will replace the current one with. Some may experiment with anarchism, indigenous communities and other threatened minorities will band together for defense and develop local experiments similar to the Zapatistas, others will go full fascist attempting to return to a mythologized past (and in this pursuit will launch wars on other political entities on the continent), others still will try to cling to some form of stunted liberal democracy as long as the declining material conditions allow (most likely the coastal regions which will be able to trade with the rest of the world). Ultimately through much trial and error they will all arrive at the inevitable conclusion that it's either socialism or barbarism - it only remains to be seen how much barbarism will take place and for how long before they do.

    • cayde6ml@lemmygrad.ml
      2 years ago

      I think your analysis is pretty accurate, though I am slightly more skeptical of the U.S. splitting into various regions as hard or as fast as you say. Its definitely possible, but I think the sheer scale of the U.S. war machine and oppressive imperialist apparatus will make this process more difficult, so that it might actually need a single revolution. But I'm not dying on this wager.