She also made $29,000,000 in 2022 for herself, cause she worked so hard and made so many cars herself. Ha

    • grazing7264 [they/them, comrade/them]
      10 months ago

      When organized labor is weak and non-militant, capital can get away with a lot more, so it does get away with a lot more.

      It strips away anti-corruption, regulations, and social democracy as soon as it can get away with it.

    10 months ago

    How cool would sleeper cells of anti-capitalist assistants, cooks, personal trainers, etc be lol. These people should be living like Putin afraid everyone is planning to take them out. Take the joy from their lives if that's all you can take.

    10 months ago

    They could've paid for all of the UAW's asks and then some with just that but it's less about the money and more about trying to look strong. The reality is they are nothing without their workers, no company is.

      10 months ago

      Just like how the losses the entertainment industry has suffered due to the writers and actors strike could have paid for their demands 10 times over. This is 100% about stripping the power from workers and keeping the power in the C suite.

  • grazing7264 [they/them, comrade/them]
    10 months ago

    If stock buybacks are Capital's path of least resistance it will self organize, like iron shavings to a neodymium magnet, and make it happen. There is no human agency in the circuits of capitalism and never will be.

    If this woman tried to not do stock buybacks, she would be fired by her peers/board and replaced.

    If this woman was even capable of considering doing pay raises instead of stock buybacks, she would have been clocked and removed from the circuit like an intelligent species crashing into the fermi paradox/great filter.